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Responsible Design


At Newtown Springs, we try our hardest to include people of all cultures, denominations, and ethnic backgrounds. In our efforts to do so, we created an easy to understand picture book detailing how to purify water for people without access to clean water. We chose not to include words in this picture book so that it can be understood by all cultures and people of all levels of literacy, and passed out by international aid organizations during times of political, economic, or environmental turmoil. Not only that, but this picture book specifically targets children with its instructional but entertaining and creative illustrations. By educating the younger generation, we can create a long-lasting legacy because we know that healthy children make healthy adults.


Additionally, Newtown Springs plans to fund the building of a well in a community without steady access to clean drinking water. We created this goal, of providing fresh water to a struggling community, to direct our efforts towards active humanitarian support and to become closely connected with another community across the globe. With the support of our local and statewide network of peers, we will leave a lasting legacy of hope and change for generations to come.


To learn more about our mission, feel free to visit the 'Contact Us' page and send an email. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @NHSPublicHealth and like us on Facebook under Newtown Springs! 



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